BSSD Undergraduate Program
Tier 1:
- CS 1440 Intro to Computer Science
- CS 1450 Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
- MART 2330 Imaging History and Production **
- MART 3180 Principles of Multimedia
- BSSD 3400 Programming & Logic (C/C++)
- BSSD 3520 Javascript
Tier 2:
- BSSD 3310 Web Applications (PHP/Node.js)
- BSSD 3410 Applied Algorithms & Architecture
- BSSD 4200 Mobile Applications (React Native)
Tier 3: (7 upper level electives)*
- BSSD 3650 Patterns & Pattern Languages (Java/Python)
- BSSD 3850 Data Modeling (Machine Learning)
- BSSD 3700 Interfaces
- BSSD 4150 Game Development (Unity)
- BSSD 4250 Advanced Mobile Applications (Android)
- BSSD 4300 Advanced Web Applications
- BSSD 4470 Ambient Computing
- BSSD 4540 Data Visualization
- BSSD 4560 Generative Art
- MART 3110 Graphics & Meaning**
- MART 3130 Design for the Web**
- MART 3630 Video Animation**
- MART 4150 Design Projects for the Community**
- MART 4190 Design for Emerging Interfaces
- MART 4560 Physical Computing
Tier 4: (Required for graduation)
- BSSD 3340 Practicum
- BSSD 4340 Practicum II
- MART 4980 Professional Internship
*Tier 4 can be completed concurrently with Tier 3.
Courses are offered at specific times each semester either in person or online over Zoom.
SSD courses without a parenthetical description use evolving technologies and content differs by semester.
*Not all courses will be offered every semester. Many will be on a 3 semester rotation. **Courses with double asterisks are ONLY offered on main campus in Las Vegas, NM. All other courses are offered in both Las Vegas and Albuquerque, NM
Please email for information about class content.